Вiкini Queen! Hot beach photos of 60 year old Demi

Вiкini Queen! Hot beach photos of 60 year old Demi

It’s no secret that with age it is difficult to maintain a slim figure: metabolism slows down and vitamins and nutrients are absorbed worse. But for stars, age is not a hindrance, and we have a lot to learn from them!

Demi Moore, 60, has put her career on hold and is preparing to become a grandmother while enjoying life. The actress actively leads her social networks, where she communicates a lot with subscribers and often shows a variety of moments from her work.

And of course, when shooting in swimsսits and biкinis, Demi is not averse to showing off her beautiful figure!

She recently posted beach snaps with the caption, “Pilaf goes to the beach.” Recall that Pilaf is a Chihuahua Demi. In the photos, the actress poses with her tiny pet, and it seems that the little dog is the main character of the photo.

However, users paid a lot of attention to the figure of Moore, because the actress is in great shape and deserves compliments.

“Demi is simply gorgeous”, “A woman without age”, “Demi only gets prettier every year”, “You are good in everything, but swimwеar and biкinis look especially impressive”, “Incredible body! I can’t imagine how much work it takes to look like this at your age, ”write the fans.

The actress herself says that her main secrets are regular cleansing and moisturizing of the skin. She never forgets to take off the rest of her make-up and always finds time for moisturizing masks.

Demi supports her figure with proper nutrition, because, as she says, beauty begins with health. “I gradually came to vegetarianism and try to replace desserts with fruits,” the actress emphasizes.

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Вiкini Queen! Hot beach photos of 60 year old Demi
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